Water is the carrier. Thus when using an acrylic paint, you will need to use water to wash equipment. Due to EU legislation (see VOC), acrylics are becoming ever popular and better.
Biofouling or biological fouling is the unwanted accumulation of microorganisms, plants, algae or animals on wetted structures. It is especially significant on boat’s hulls where high levels of fouling have an adverse effect on the performance of the vessel and will undoubtedly increase fuel consumption.
A paint ideal for fresh plaster due to the lack of vinyl. Ideally fresh plaster is left for 3-6 months (depending on thickness) before being painted with a vinyl matt. Contract comes in matt & silk, white and magnolia and generally comes in 10 litre tubs. It can also be tinted to a specific colour- ask for details. Contract is also a very economical paint to use for ceiling, where generally a tougher finish isn't necessary.
A way of making newly painted surfaces (usually furniture) look old.
Dog dick
A sash brush (say no more). Very popular on the continent- in fact, in France professional decorators don't use rectangular brushes at all.
When paint is still drying then gets dragged. It's also a term used in broken colour work and grianing.
Dust Grab
See Tac Cloth.
Salts in a porous surfaces thats been painted that then bleed through the paint. Can be particularly apparent when using dark colours.
There is no way to prevent this from happening (the salts in the building materials will come out if there), however Acetic Acid (vinegar) is the best thing to clean with.
A common example of this is in poointing, when the sand used hasn't been washed.
Face fill
A filling technique for wide surfaces. Used to be known as 'caulking'- hence the wide edged cailking tool.
A DIY tools that used to be used for cutting in windows and carpet. Masking tape is now more popular.
Container to put paint in. Used to be galvanised metal, but cost has meant that plastic is much more popular these days. They come in 1, 2.5 and 5 litres. Lids are available as an extra- though be aware that they are not guaranteed air tight- therefore they will keep paint fresh for a day or so, but no longer.
Laying off
Laying off involves using a brush to evenly distribute the paint over the surface being painted. Typically, long light strokes are used in the direction of the grain. Laying off a topcoat will ensure an even finish to the topcoat with no brush marks visible in the finished topcoat.
A rough first cost, usually thinned down, and usually only applied to fresh plaster or render. Contract paints are ideal for fresh plaster as they don't contain any vinyl (something that can lead to paint not adhering well to fresh plaster due to the extreme absorption of the surface). A mistcoat may also be useful when drastically changing colours- e.g if going from a dark blue to a light red, it could proce economical to do a white 'blocking' mistcoat before applying the red.
Slang for Preparation, i.e. getting a surface ready for wallpapering or painting.
Sandpaper. Can be a roll or a sheet of 'scratch'. Includes Aliminium Oxide, Wet & Dry, Sanding blocks, etc.
A peace of wood used to stir up paint. (We always recommend giving paint a good stir- even if it's been in our shakers).
Tac Cloth
Impregnated cloth for collecting dust prior to painting.
Tac Rag
See Tac Cloth.
A delightful nickname for a 4" roller sleeve.
The original term used for non-drip paint. Originates from the Greek word which means to change by touch.
Slang for Pure Turpentine ... though usually used to refer to White Spirit.